The “Specialisation Process for the Ecoengineering Sector in the Mediterranean Environment (ECOMED)” project is an initiative to advance the specialization process on landscape bioengineering, and to generate new alliances and dynamics in the sector, within the Mediterranean region. Its specific objectives are:

  • To improve the design/calculation of Bioengineering Works
  • To generate a suitable vegetation database for the Mediterranean region
  • To improve the implementation/construction processes
  • To improve the definition and planning of the monitoring of the works
  • To improve the works analysis tools, to be more effective in restoration and rehabilitation.
  • To improve the contents of the training offered related to landscape bioengineering

So, the EcoMed project will enhance bioengineering works at the different stages and phases: design/calculation, implementation/construction, monitoring, and education/training. This will be accomplished by implementing applied research works from 2017 till 2018. These works include the selection of a set of bioengineering tools and projects within the European Mediterranean region to further study and analyze them.

This project that is co-funded by the ERASMUS + Programme of the European Union will generate new tools to improve the possibilities of intervening in the landscape through techniques and approaches of bioengineering, taking into account the particularities of the Mediterranean region.

Overall the consortium comprises of seven universities and seven companies distributed in eight countries throughout the European region with Universidad Politecnica de Madrid the coordinator. For more information on the EcoMed project please follows us through the following social media:

Twitter: @ecomedbio

Facebook: Ecomedbio-Erasmus+

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